MicroM Amplifier Modules


The Fireye MEUV1, MEUV4, MEUVS1, MEUVS4, MERT1, MERT4, MEIR1, MEIR4, MECD1, and MECD4 amplifier modules are designed for use with the Fireye Modular MicroM control system. These modules enable reliable flame scanning using Fireye's UV, self-check, IR, CdS scanners, and flame rods.

Flame Failure Response Time (FFRT):
The choice of amplifier module affects the Flame Failure Response Time (FFRT), which determines how quickly the system responds to a flame failure. For FFRT details, see the ordering information.

Flame Signal Measurement:
Each module has test jacks for measuring flame signal during operation, with a consistent 0-10 VDC output across all models.

Key Features:

  • Compatible with UV, self-check, IR, CdS scanners, and flame rods.
  • Customizable FFRT based on module selection.
  • Real-time flame signal measurement via test jacks.

Ideal for burner management systems, industrial furnaces, boilers, and power generation.

Ordering Information:
Select the appropriate model based on FFRT requirements and flame detection needs. Consult the Fireye guide for detailed specifications.