Obsolete Scanners

Paragon 105F1-1 Flame Scanner

105F1-1 Paragon Flame Scanner (Obsolete)

The Paragon scanner provides high integrity sensing of multiple flame properties, including Amplitude, Flicker Frequency and Flame Learne...

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Phoenix 85UVF Flame Scanner

Phoenix Series 1 Type 85UVF-IRF Flame Scanners (Obsolete)

Phoenix scanners detect the amplitude of the modulations (the flame “flicker”) that occur within the targeted flame, over a w...

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Signature Scanner 45FS1 and 45UVFS1 Series

45FS1 and 45UVFS1 Series Signature Scanner (Obsolete)

Both Fireye® scanners utilize a software algorithm that constantly compares the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the...

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45RM4 Series Scanner

45RM4 Series Scanner (Obsolete)

When powered by a compatible, self-checking Fireye flame safeguard control, the scanner detects the presence and absence of flames having...

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