Oil Refineries

Combustion detection, ignition and control across your entire process

Fireye combustion solutions for Oil Refineries


Our ultraviolet flame scanners (UV), infra-red flame scanners (IR) and dual sensor flame scanners (UV & IR) are all suitiable for oil refining applications flame scanning appliactions. Wherever located within the oil refining process integreated flame scanners can detect ultraviolet flames and infra-red flames. Fireye flames scanners also have excellent main flame discrimination.

Fireye also offer a range of gas pilots suitable for oil refineries along with high energy spark igniters (HESI). Our oil refinery igniters are capable of direct ignition of oil flames and  direct ignition of gas flames. Fireye also offers a range of burner controls, flame safeguards and burner efficiency controls suitiable for oil refinering combustion management. 


Download the Fireye oil refinery applicatons diagram:

> MF-00-2-000F-0-015

Oil Refineries

Burner Controls

Fireye provides a variety of burner control flame safeguard and combustion controls to the HVAC marketplace. Our BurnerPRO™, BurnerLogix™, Flame-Monitor™ and MicroM families provide safe and reliable light off of packaged burners used on commercial and industrial boilers as well as direct fired makeup air units and commercial hot water heaters. 


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Flame Monitoring

Fireye Flame Scanners provide a variety of UV and IR flame scanners that accurately detect the presence or absence of flame in a combustion chamber and some provide both self-check and non-self check capabilities.

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