Solid State Series D Amplifiers

Solid State Series D Amplifiers

Fireye Solid State Series D Amplifiers are plug-in modules used in conjunction with Type 70D10, 70D20, 70D30, 70D40, and 70D41 burner management controls.

Standard Series D Amplifiers have a 4-second (max.) flame failure response. Special models with the suffix "T" are available with a 1-second (max) flame failure response.

Complete description, installation, and servicing instructions are included in the 70D series control bulletin.

Amplifier Modules

Amplifier Module # Type of Flame Detection Flame Scanner
72DUV1 Ultraviolet (UV) UV2, UV1A3-6, UV1B6, 45UV3
72DUVS4 Ultraviolet-Selfcheck (UVSC) 45UV5-1009
72D1R1 Infrared-Autocheck (IR) 48PT2
72D1R3 Infrared-Autocheck (IR) (Solid Fuel Applications only) 48PT2
72DRT1 Rectification (RT) 69ND1-ROD, 45CM1-Photocell

Control Types

Control Type Bulletin Number
70D40 D-4041
70D41 D-4041

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