Touchscreens & Displays

NXTSD507HD and NXTSD512HD Enhanced Touchscreen Interfaces

NXTSD507HD and NXTSD512HD Enhanced Touchscreen Interfaces

The NXTSD507HD and NXTSD512HD enhanced touchscreen interfaces offer expanded capability beyone what the standard NXD410TS keypad can offe...

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NXD410TS Touchscreen Interface

NXD410TS Touchscreen Interface

The NXD410TS provides the means to setup, monitor and display information from the NXF4000 and PPC4000 series of controls as well as any ...

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NX6220 and NX6330 12-Key Keypad Display

The Fireye NX6220 or NX6330 (with Ethernet) OLED (Organic LED) 12 key keypad displays provide an easy to read, bright operator inter...

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BLV512 and BLL510 Display Modules

The BurnerLogiX system offers an optional OLED or liquid crystal (LCD) display that may be either plugged in or mounted remotely to give ...

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